Saturday, May 14, 2011

What about Ron Paul?

Could you vote for Ron Paul?

I agree with his stance on about 80% of the issues. The other 20%, not so much. And some of the areas I disagree with him on are some of the most troubling.

I don't think we should have an isolationist attitude as a Country. I'm not suggesting that we continue a policy of being the police force of the world, but some issues are worth getting involved in. But, sometimes we should let people work stuff out themselves. I disagree with him on Iraq. That was an issue worth getting involved in. saddam hussein was a very bad man and a supporter of terror. He had weapons of mass destruction and he proved he was capable of using them. In my opinion, our biggest mistake in Iraq was worrying too much about saving infrastructure and political correctness. Because of our desire to be politically correct, we let scumbags like muqtada al-sadr live to fight another day. We should have taken his ass out at our earliest opportunity.

Ron Paul belives terrorism is just like any other murder, I disagree. Terrorism is a state of mind. Terrorists have no motive other than furthering their own beliefs. No amount of analyzing will find a cure for it. The only way to deal with terrorists is with force. Superior firepower.

He opposes the death penalty. I am a supporter. I don't think tax payers should be burdened with taking care of a murderer for 5, 10, 20 years while we wait for them to die of natural causes behind bars. Murderers have proven that they have no regard for the rights of others.

Ron Paul supports legalizing some drugs. Bad idea. I believe in stopping the flow of drugs into our Country by sealing our borders. At that point we can concentrate on the scumbags in our own Country who are making and selling illegal drugs, like meth. Is allowing people to do drugs legally going to lessen the drug problem in this Country? It would drastically reduce the number of people in prisons, but increase the number of people who should be in prison roaming the streets.

Those are the big ones.

What do you think?