Friday, May 6, 2011

I had a revelation today...

I know most of you with think I'm being less than sincere when I say this, but I had a revelation today. I honestly feel sorry for obama.

It has to be extremely hard for a hard core liberal candidate to suddenly become president and discover that all the things you campaigned on were just naive bullshit. To discover that there are some very nasty people on this earth that want to do us serious harm. To find out that the things that Republicans do, like Gitmo and enhanced interrogations are necessary to provide the American people with safety and security.

But obama is lucky, he has an uncanny ability to claim the hard work and diligence of others as his own. He can do things like waffle on a decision to take out the most wanted scumbag on the planet and then take a victory lap at Ground Zero when the deed is done. He can criticize the actions of the CIA, even going as far as having the attorney general investigate them. Yet when the evidence they collected leads to a huge victory, he is sure to have his face in front of every TV camera he can find, taking the credit. He can bad mouth the Bush Administration non-stop, for two and a half years, and then accept the fruits of their labor as his own, without ever giving credit where credit is due.

It has to be exceptionally hard to find yourself in the real world, especially when you are an elitist douchebag who has spent your entire life avoiding taking a stand or making a decision that can be linked directly to you.

obama is a credit taking thug. The more I have thought about it, I don't feel sorry for him at all...