Saturday, May 7, 2011

Not much in the news today...

The news is pretty boring today. More bin laden stuff of course. It's kind of old news. He is a dead terrorist scumbag, what more can we say?

It is interesting that the lawyers are getting involved in the conversation now. The legalities of the mission to kill bin laden are now in question.

Wait a minute. These assholes declared war on us. We, under the watch of George W. Bush, declared war on them. bin laden  was the head guy in charge of the terrorists, therefore, he is a targetable enemy combatant. It not rocket science. In a time of war, we have to be able to go get the bad guys. How is this a legal issue?

If pakistan has a problem with it, they probably shouldn't have been hiding the guy for several years. Remember when George W. said "You are either with us or against us"? It sort of seems like pakistan is against us. And we continue to send them billions of dollars a year? How in the hell is that possible?

Oh, and on this gold mine of intelligence recovered from the bin laden hovel/mansion, why is our intelligence community talking about it with the media? Why aren't we keeping that shit on the down low until we have it all decoded and translated and bad guys either captured or given lead poisoning? It seems a bit counter productive. Maybe I am missing something...

Unless there is some real news about the bin laden incident I don't plan on talking much about it. It's old news...