Friday, May 13, 2011

No posts yesterday...

Sorry about the lack of posts yesterday, but blogger was down. It must have really been hosed because it was out of commision for more than 24 hours.

It was kind of interesting though, I was sitting here watching a movie last night but I had done a google search to see if there were any updates on the status of blogger. I was watching some of the twitter feeds from people losing their minds about the outage. Dude, some people need to get a life.

While I enjoy writing my blog and sharing the stupid things in my head with you guys, it is not going to be a life and death issue if I am unable to post for a day or two. Especially if it is an outage that is beyond my control.  I'm also pretty sure that most people pay the amount I do to have a blog on blogger, which is exactly zero dollars and zero cents.I'm pretty sure that the people at blogger were busting their asses to get everything back up and running, even if it is a free service. If you are a blogger who is going to have a shit fit about any little outage, buy some hardware, software and some badass bandwidth and host it your self.

Anyway, it's good to be back...