Wednesday, May 11, 2011

obama proves once again that he is a compulsive liar...

Yesterday obama gave a "campaign" speech in El Paso, Texas. He was talking about immigration reform. He made a lot of stupid remarks about Republicans wanting a moat with alligators in it and more inflammatory bullshit comments.

But what really struck me was this, he said the border fence was "basically" complete. Does he really think we are too dumb to do a Google search on "border fence"?

The truth is, less than 5% of the 700 mile, double later fence is complete. Right at 36.3 miles. And since obama took office, only 4.3 miles of fence has been built. The fence isn't even under construction any more. So given this information, would you call the fence "basically" complete? Not even close.

Another thing, he claims there are twice as many Border Patrol agents now as there were in 2004. Why does he use the 2004 date? Why doesn't he tell us how many have been added since he has been in office? I'll tell you, because it isn't an impressive number. It is a mind game, a stupid trick. He wants you to think he has done something, when actually he has done nothing but sabatoge the system. He and janet napolitano have told the Border Patrol not to arrest illegal aliens when they are caught. This reduces the number of arrests on paper, giving the appearance of some accomplishment on the part of the obama administration. It's a lie. Refusing to arrest criminals doesn't mean there are less criminals.

We don't need immigration reform. We need to enforce the immigration laws we already have. Send the people who are in this Country illegally back to where they came from and allow those who wish to enter our Country legally an opportunity to do so. Contrary to what democrats would have you believe, our Country can survive without people who broke our laws to get here.

If you listen to democrats, we would have thousands of acres of unpicked fruit and all of our yards would be unmowed if we sent illegals home. The truth is, democrats would lose a huge potential voting block. Some of them may be more than potential and already voting despite it being against the law.

Before you believe anything obama says, do your research. He is a compulsive liar, and, he thinks you are an idiot...