Friday, March 25, 2011

I may have found my Presidential candidate...

You know, I've looked at all that the Republican party is offering up so far for 2012. So far I can't say that any of them are that impressive. There are things I like about all of them, but none of them are the total package for me. Another sacrificial lamb is not what our Country needs. john mccain isn't a Republican, he sure wasn't when he ran against obama. He is a rino at best. He does show moments of conservative clarity, but that's all they are, moments.

Our Country needs a strong Conservative candidate in 2012. We need someone who is going to lead us out of the darkness. The next election needs to give us a president who will see the words of our Founding Fathers for what they are, the foundation for the greatest Nation on earth. Our Declaration of Independence and Constitution are not ancient documents to be discarded when they don't suit your needs or bent and twisted to justify stealing our rights.

I am still early in my research, but I have developed an interest in Herman Cain. I have read some of what others have written about him and have seen several interviews. What I have learned so far is impressive. He is well educated. He has achieved great success in the business world. He has experienced the American Dream and seems to want it for all Americans. He has conservative values not just conservative talk.

In 2008 this Country elected a black man because he was black. We see where that has gotten us. We are on the fast track to socialized ruin. There is more to being president of The United States than an ability to read a teleprompter. It requires character, substance and values.

In 2012 lets elect a black man because he would be good for our Country. Because he has the values our Country needs, a man of substance. Herman Cain might just be that man...