I get to work about 5:30 this morning. I get my regular early morning chores done and settle in to check the email and drink a cup of coffee, and the phone rings. When the phone rings at 6:00 am it's usually not good.
It was my Bride. The little one is sick and running a fever and My Bride has to teach.
I left work at 7:30, and made it home a little after 8:00. Did I mention that it was raining and 31 degrees? In the mean time my Bride called the doctors office. They were closed. They are moving to a new building.
No problem, after the little one wakes up I will take her to the minute clinic thing 20 miles away.
She wakes up a couple of hours later, we hang out for a little while watching a movie and then get dressed to leave. By this time, the temperature has dropped a few more degrees and the rain is mixed with sleet.
We drive the 20 miles north, temperature dropping all the way and ice building up on the shoulder of the road as well as the trees and bushes. When we get to the minute clinic in CVS we check in and find out there is a person getting checked out and one waiting in front of us. No problem. We wait for a good 20 minutes. The nurse chick comes out and informs us and the people who checked in after us that after the next patient she was shutting down the clinic for like an hour and a half. Great. Now what? My poor kid feels like hammered shit and I'm starting to get in a crappy mood.
On the way through town I noticed an Urgent Care place, so we head for it. We get there and there is only one person in line before us. I fill out the paperwork and we have a seat. We were waiting for about 10 minutes, not bad. We head to the exam room, another 5 minute wait, still not bad. The doctor is in and out in abother 5 minutes. My mood is improving.
So we head back to our town and Walmart to fill the little one's prescription. When we get to the counter, we have to stand there for 10 minutes while the lady argues with some guy over the phone about his diabetes testing supplies ( I got only half of the conversation but I felt bad for the Walmart employee). Finally, we drop off the prescription and are told it would be about 30 minutes. Great, no problem. So we walk around and look at about everything in the store, well everything that interests me, bullets, movies, software and food.
When we go back up to the pharmacy 35 minutes later, another chick informs me that they just got the prescription and it would be 20 minutes. Oh damn, I informed her that they didn't just get it, that I dropped it off 35 minutes before and my kid felt like crap and I wasn't going to wait much longer.
She apologized, made the pharmacist hustle it up. We were out of there in another 10 minutes. We stopped by Sonic on the way home. A grilled cheese sammich always makes the little one feel better.
That was my day, how was yours?