calderon says United States cooperation in the mexican drug war is "notoriously insufficient".
If we were allowed to do this by ourselves it would be more than sufficient, but currently our enforcement agencies can't even carry guns in mexico.
calderon's government seems to be pretty insufficient themselves. He has supposedly been fighting this war since 2006 and doesn't appear to have done anything but make it worse. Since calderon took office in 2006, there have been more than 34,000 violent murders in his country. And in that period of time we have given mexico in excess of $1.5 BILLION DOLLARS to help fight the drug war.
It seems we have done more than our fair share.
I have a better idea. Why don't we use the next BILLION dollars to seal our border. Put a man about every 50 yards with authorization to shoot anything that moves. In a matter of weeks, we no longer have a problem. mexico will still be screwed, but until they fix the massive corruption in their country, they will always be screwed...