I went to the Recall the AWOL web site this morning and signed their petition. I also included a little personal note to those rat bastards:
"In the military, we would call what you are doing 'dereliction of duty.' You are greedy, scum-sucking bottom-feeders who are refusing to do your jobs because you know you are in the wrong. Get back to work like us REAL Americans and stop being such whiny crybabies. Maybe, if you're lucky, you won't be arrested for your criminal actions, and all that will happen to you is the voters see your cowardice for what it really is.
"By the way, how much are the unions paying you to commit your criminal acts? How much are they paying to rent the mob in the capital? Notice the only people who can afford to come to the capital to protest for very long are the liberals who suck off the government and union (read 'taxpayer') teat."
There. That felt good.