The Wall Street Journal has a story out today saying that obama is staying out of the fight between States and unions.
Umm, well, that's a load of bullshit. After his initial butting in and putting the dnc and his political action committee on the case, he may appear to be standing down, but behind the scenes, you can bet he is still very much involved.
obama and his gang of thugs would like us to believe that he was never involved at all, but it is another bunch of bullshit. We saw him, we heard him, there is no denying his involvement.
This administration feels that we are so stupid that we will believe whatever they tell us. About 30% of the population may be that gullible, they are called democrats, the rest of us can read this guy like a book. We know that when his mouth is moving he is lying, and when his mouth isn't moving he is thinking about his next lie.
He can't put the shit back in this horse. At some point, you would think some advisor would tell him to just keep his mouth shut. I'm willing to bet that lot's of people have told him that, but being the arrogant prick that he is, he knows better, until he steps on his dick...