I didn't get everything on my list done today, but I did some stuff that wasn't on the list.
I went to the shotgun range and shot a round of Trap. I didn't do worth a damn, but I was shooting, so it was all good.
I trimmed the bigger fruit trees. I got to climb around in them like a damn circus monkey. One of them, a big pear, had several broken branches way up high. It wouldn't have been that bad if the wind hadn't been blowing 50 miles per hour. It's all done now and the trees look outstanding.
I worked on the mower. I wasn't able to fix it, but I know what parts to get on Monday. I'm itching to get it fixed and working properly. I like it a lot better than the other mower, for mowing. We use the older mower for hauling stuff, pulling the trailer around and that kind of stuff.
I didn't get to hang the lights in the shed, but I did tear down an old playhouse. This playhouse was here when we moved in. My girls refused to go in it because it was full of dead bugs. I wonder if they ever realized they could just clean it up? Oh well, it gone now. I crushed the hell out of it with my Chevy Earthfucker. It was a lot of fun. After we got it down and semi-apart, I attached a chain to what was left of the roof and drug it to the burn pile with the Suburban.
And to top it all off, I mowed for a while...