It was a beautiful day and the shooting was exceptional.
We started out with the Hi-Point Carbine. We were shooting it at 50 yards. As usual it was a hell of a lot of fun to shoot. The Brother-In-Law enjoyed it a lot.
My target on the top, Brother-in-Law's on the bottom.
Brother-in-Law posing for the camera.
After 100 rounds of 9mm, we moved over to the 100 yard range to enjoy the Olympic Arms AR-15. We fired 60 or so rounds.
Brother-in-Law firing the AR-15
We moved on the the Mosin Nagant M44 Carbine next. I think we fired about 25 rounds through it. That is enough to get used to the recoil but not enough to kick your ass.
Brother-in-Law firing the Russian Cannon.
Brother-in-Law posing with our targets. We used the same targets for the AR-15 and the Mosin Nagant. Mine is the lower, his is the upper.
After this, we moved over to the shotgun range for a little light trap shooting. Big Mullet and his son joined us. We were having such a good time I forgot to take any pictures. We were shooting my Mossberg 500, my Mossberg 590A1 and Big Mullet's Mossberg 590A1. My Brother-in-Law turned out to be pretty handy with a shotgun.
As an added treat, there were several law enforcement folks at their range, which is next to the shotgun range. They were firing full auto M4 Carbines and a few other goodies like an MP5. But as we were getting ready to leave, they asked us if we would like to come watch the sniper guy fire his Barrett .50. What do you think we said to that? Umm, we said Hell Yes! It was an awesome sight. The concussion of the first shot set off the alarm in one of the police vehicles. It was sweet...