I have three projects I need to be working on and Joe Texan has his "new" truck to get going. Every year, about this time, I get the urge to make some progress on my trucks. I look forward to the car shows and cruise nights. This year there are several things I want to get accomplished on my Blazer. And my 1968 Chevy Truck is going to get some needed attention too.
Joe Texan and I have developed a long list of things to do to his 1970 Chevy Truck. His could be roadworthy in short order, it's just a question of money.
Neither of us are rolling in the dough though, so some things have to be put off until the budget allows. Maybe these pictures will inspire us to do those things that are inexpensive or even free...
*** I posted this earlier, but I have come back a few times to look at these pictures again. I have been a fan of the '67 to '72 Chevy Trucks since I was about 5 years old, so I guess then I would have just been a fan of the '67 to '68 Trucks. These things truly are a work of art. I'm highly motivated now. I'll post some updates on the progress my motivation generates.