A big part of our economy revolves around disposable income. People use the money they have left over after the bills are paid, disposable income, to eat at McDonald's, go to the movies, buy flat screen TVs at Walmart, take a vacation, stay at hotels, etc.
Every one of these activities stimulates our economy. These activities enable places like McDonald's and Walmart to hire more help, which also helps our economy grow, and results in more tax paying citizens. Those additional tax paying citizens spend their disposable income, further growing the economy.
When gas prices go through the roof, like they are now, take a guess at where people spend the income they would otherwise use to eat out or buy other goods and services. You got it, at the gas pump. In an economy that is already in the toilet, the effects are even worse.
So while obama sits around with his thumb in his ass, gas prices continue to rise and our economy continues to decline. Until the oil companies in this Country are allowed to do what they do best, drill for oil, it will be impossible for a recovery to take place.
As far as the profits of the evil oil companies are concerned, keep this in mind, the government makes more on a gallon of gasoline than the oil companies. Also, unlike obama's pet company, GE, the oil companies actually pay taxes, a lot of taxes. Some oil companies pay more in taxes than they make in profit. And don't forget that oil companies pour much of their profits back into the company in the form of exploration, research and development.
For a further look at oil company profits, see the post by Joe Texan below.