I heard Trump on the radio today. Everything he said made a lot of sense and I found myself agreeing with him on almost all the issues discussed.
I have no doubt that from an economy perspective he would be an asset to our Country. He would fix the trade imbalances we have with many countries. He would create a pro-business environment that would allow businesses in this Country to hire new employees and grow. He would create a sense of stability in the business world.
I also believe he would strive to make our Country energy independent. He understands that as long as we rely on foreign oil we are vulnerable to the uncertainties that go along with that. Energy is the life blood of our economy and our Country.
Would he be a positive force in the foreign policy arena? Who knows. He has had business dealings with countries all over the world, but business is different than human rights negotiations or many of the other obstacles we face when dealing with countries outside of our own.
And the big question for me, is he serious? Or is this all a publicity stunt for the next season of Apprentice?
It would have to be a tough transition from CEO of a major corporation to the restrictive role of president. It was more than Ross Perot was willing to undertake.
I guess if Trump became the nominee, I would vote for him, but I just have this nagging suspicion that he isn't as serious as he would like us to believe.