I agree with elements of what each one of them says. It was a win. of sorts, for Republicans. But on the downside, the democrats are much better at this type of negotiations than Republicans. They are willing to give a little to gain a lot. I think this is what the democrats did in this case.
It was the largest cut in budget history, but obama using our Military as a bargaining tool is inexcusible. Like Robert mentions, no president in history has ever gone there. Never.
And like T.L. says, Boehner isn't qualified to lead these types of negotiations. He is too honest. To attempt to strike a favorable bargain with democrats, you have to be as dirty and as thuggish as they are. You have to be willing to stake your own grandmother to an ant hill. democrats are willing to do that, and worse.
Budget Deal Done! How do you feel?
After a couple days of huffing and puffing. After reading the entire budget that was agreed to. And after checking many “Alternative reality” sites (aka Liberals) I came to a conclusion. It may not set well with some folks, it may make sense to others but it is my opinion.
We on the right didn’t do too bad in the agreement. We didn’t win in a blowout, but we didn’t lose at all. In other words it was like baseball game played over 12 innings we lost our starting pitcher and our power hitter to injuries but we won the game.
The POTUS made the Speaker blink. Yep. The POTUS used our military as tools to save Planned Parenthood. Yep. And it worked. In a day gone by NO POTUS would have ever gone there. Our current POTUS did. Obama is not a Democrat, he’s a progressive and that’s the big difference in this entire thing. A democrat can be reasoned with, a progressive on the other hand is ANTI-AMERICAN from the start so sacrificing the military wouldn’t phase him.
Did the Republicans win? Absolutely they won. They proved some points, they made Obama tip his hand about how far he’s willing to go to protect a failed agenda and they got MORE cuts than ever before. And they are putting fourth a bill that will protect the military from any such Obamanism in the future. They also left the door open for the next battle which starts in about two weeks.
While I would have rather them take it all the way, I do understand the game. Its one of quarters not entirety all at once. We got more work to do, we have a LOT more work to do, but for an opening salvo in a clash, We’ll take the 38.5 billion and hope they can get the other 60+Billion before the next fiscal year.
And the next one is from my friend T.L. Davis at TL in Exile.
The Enemy Is Us
One can barely grasp the enormous stupidity of the budget deal. It is a signal that there is no chance of a bold, desperately-needed reconciliation with sanity. There is no chance that even discretionary spending can be limited, much less the drastic measures required to save the nation from bankruptcy and world-wide ridicule. If this is the fruit of the Tea Party, it is a wicked weed indeed.
John Boehner is not qualified to polish the spittoons in the basement of the Capitol Building, much less participate in a negotiation between Harry Reid, Barack Obama and the Republican congress. The praise being heaped upon him by the press signals that he is the one they want to negotiate the 2012 budget. He negotiated positive press and a fig leaf from the president in return for capitulation. Gee, I wonder why they would give that to him? It is time to scrap Boehner and elect Paul Ryan as the majority leader, or at a minimum, to designate Ryan as the principle budget negotiator for the majority.
The bigger issue is the 2012 budget. $6.2 trillion in spending reductions are you effing crazy? Boehner couldn't negotiate for an umbrella in a hurricane. He just simply does not have the backbone for it. I don't dislike his personal story, it is compelling, but this is the salvation of the country, this is for all the marbles. He is out of his depth and perhaps his advisers are of theirs as well. Perhaps the Republican Party is out of its depth. I have never seen anything resembling a spine when it came to budget negotiations from the Republicans.
I've been through this before, but I will go through it again. You cannot negotiate a budget deal where you eliminate tens of billions of dollars while you are spending hundreds of billions of dollars over the period of the negotiation. I wrote a post a while ago about the $6.1 billion dollar debate and how if that debate went on for a week, the interest on the debt alone would wipe out the savings. In this deal, the government spent over $50 billion while they negotiated to cut $38 billion.
Listen, this is the same old fight in a different location. The moochers and parasites are the supporters of the Democrats, they aren't going to let a budget cut interfere with their looting and since the Democratic Party is nothing other than a gigantic money-laundering operation, every dime the moochers and parasites have gotten from the government they are willing to spend to keep them in office and to keep them from reforming the system. The Democrats themselves have no reason to engage in legitimate negotiations. Parasites don't give a damn about the condition of the body from which they feed. It is beyond their intellectual capacity to consider the future when the feast is at an end.
We have now seen the script laid out for the upcoming budget battle of 2012 and the debt limit increase to come. We have come, we have seen and the enemy is us.