Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Top Missouri Dem Endorses Suit Against Health Care Mandate

If koster thinks this is going to save his scrawny neck in 2012, he needs to think again. Maybe if he would have signed on to or endorsed the Lt. Governor's (Peter Kinder) lawsuit, I would have had some respect. He didn't. When the Lt. Governor announced his lawsuit, I wrote koster and asked him why it wasn't him filing it. I never got a response. I wasn't counting on one to begin with. democrats don't give a damn about the people they are supposed to represent.

This article also mentions that we passed a ballot measure in Missouri against obamacare. koster had nothing to do with that. Don't be confused by the wording.

It's pretty obvious he is only getting involved now because he can see the writing on the wall. obamacare is even more unpopular now that it was in the beginning and all those who have backed it have done so at their political peril. I won't vote for koster, and I'll do whatever I can to make sure every one else votes for his opponent.

From FoxNews

After sitting for months on the sidelines, Missouri's Democratic attorney general has thrown his support behind a landmark multi-state lawsuit challenging the federal health care overhaul.

Chris Koster -- the top attorney in the state which last year passed the first-in-the-nation ballot measure against the law -- on Monday filed what's known as a friend-of-the-court brief in the case before the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals. The action involved a bit of hedging. In filing the brief, he did not formally join the other 26 states in the suit. He also expressed support for the health care law's goal of expanding health coverage and argued that most of the language should be upheld.

But Koster said the so-called individual mandate requiring most Americans to buy health insurance runs afoul of the Constitution, as well as his state's referendum, and should be cleaved from the law.

The mandate, he said, "would imbue Congress with police powers rejected by the Founding Fathers and never before permitted by the Supreme Court."

Koster, as other critics of the requirement have argued, said the administration's reliance on the Commerce Clause regulating economic activity is not valid. With the mandate, he said the U.S. government is trying to regulate an individual's decision not to purchase a product -- in this case, health insurance. In other words, the administration is trying to regulate economic inactivity.

"Within the health care arena, the power to penalize one's decision not to purchase health insurance is indistinguishable from granting Congress the power to penalize individuals for not obtaining an annual check-up or prostate exam, for not vaccinating one's children, or for not maintaining a specific body-mass," Koster wrote.

Missouri's Lt. Gov. Peter Kinder, a Republican who has led the charge against the health care law in his state, applauded Koster for his legal argument.

But he needled the attorney general for waiting so long to make it, and for endorsing the high-profile suit led by Florida as opposed to one he filed in Missouri.

Read the rest at the link above...