I have heard it all now.
The Republicans want old people to die...
The Republicans want to deny cancer screenings for women...
The Republicans want women to die...
This is complete bullshit. If the dumbass democrats had passed a budget last October, they wouldn't be fighting over continuing resolutions every few weeks. What they did instead was just decide to spend what ever they wanted to, without the restraints of a budget.
Now the Republicans are forced to reign in the out of control bleeding of money from washington. When things are as bad as they are currently in our government tough choices have to be made. Somebody has to have the balls to make those tough calls.
You know what, none of those calls involve starving old people or killing women. The democrats are a bunch of fucking drama queens. If they were willing to face the fact that our Country is flat broke, maybe they would understand what needs to be done. They aren't. They won't. They need therapy, shock therapy.
obama has put together a budget for 2012. Right out of the gate it has a TRILLION dollar deficit. Before the first tax dollar is spent, we are already an additional TRILLION dollars in the hole. Is that any way to run a Country? Look at this number $1,000,000,000,000.00. Can you even imagine that? Does your brain even register that many zeros? Mine doesn't, it's mind boggling. And the really messed up part of that is, we will have to borrow that TRILLION dollars from China. Do you know how long it is going to take to pay that money back, on top of all the other money we already owe them? Put it like this, your grandchildren will still be paying it back.
Over all, our deficit is in excess of $14,000,000,000,000.00. 14 TRILLION dollars. And the fucking democrats are acting like a bunch of drama queen, chicken little, crybabies over 61 BILLION dollars that the Republicans want to cut this year.
If you are stupid enough to believe that the upcoming shutdown is the fault of the Republicans, please seek a mental evaluation. Just look at the numbers involved and how we got to them. Also consider what I said above about the democrats refusing to put a budget in place. When you consider that it is against the law for them not to have a budget it is even uglier. And don't forget that when the budget was supposed to have been put in place, the democrats controlled the house, the senate and the presidency. Like I said before, a budget would have just gotten in the way of their spending. A liberal, anti-American agenda is expensive...