Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Range Day - April 2, 2011 - More

When my Little One and I were at the range last Saturday, the last thing we did was spend a little quality time shooting Big Mullet's fine ass AR-15 that he built himself. I talked about it in a previous post.

Big Mullet sent me a couple of pictures today so I felt obliged to post them up.

Here I am spotting for my Little One. She did a pretty good job at 300 yards! Especially since she had never used this scope. The scope will give you a beautiful picture downrange, but it is difficult to get just right. Big Mullet doesn't care much for it. The crosshairs are big enough to completely cover your bulleye at 300 yards.

Here is my target from 300 yards. I don't think it is too shabby. I think with a little more practice with this rifle I could do a heck of a lot better though. Big Mullet can put 10 rounds inside of a couple of inches with this setup. Another downside for me on this target, I was shooting with Big Mullet's scope DOPE. He is a lefty and I'm not. It makes a big difference. I'm not trying to make excuses, just saying...