We started out sighting in Joe Texan's new Savage .308. We tried last time we were out but the store gave him the wrong scope mounts when he bought the rifle, so he had to get a new set. With the old mounts the scope was looking at the sky while the barrel was pointed at the target. Not good. It's a good looking gun, it shoots nice too. It will make a nice hog hunting rifle.
Here is Joe Texan putting a few rounds down range after we got it dialed in.
I got to fire some rounds out of my Olympic Arms AR-15. It is really a nice shooter. I only fired from 100 yards but all the rounds were in the black and a few of them were in the red. Open sights from 100 yards for a guy with eyes as old as mine, all in the black is a good thing.
Here I am, Billybob, taking a shot.
Big Mullet brought out his new AR-15, if you can call it that. Sure, it shoots a 5.56 round, but this thing is so far beyond an AR-15 that there really is no comparison. This is the first one he built himself. He did one hell of a fine job on it. He doesn't mess around with 100 yards anymore, he heads straight for the 300 yard targets. He can usually put 10 rounds in a two inch circle at that distance. With the 35 mph winds today and a 69 gr. bullet, he was lucky to put them on the target at all. He still managed a 3 inch group with 10 shots.
Here is Big Mullet sending a round down range.
We moved over to the 50 yard range after all that fun. Joe Texan wanted to try out the scope on his Ruger 10/22. He was also itching to fire my Hi-Point Carbine. He has seen it before, but never had an opportunity to fire it.
The 10/22 sighted in fairly easy. Joe Texan and Big Mullet got it on target quick and we were shooting some nice groups in no time.
Joe Texan enjoyed the hell out of my Hi-Point. I have a feeling he will wind up with one sooner rather than later.
The picture below is a target Joe Texan and I were sharing. The A circle is his group with the Hi-Point Carbine and the B circle is my group with his 10/22.
He was shooting a little right and I was shooting a little left, but the groups are incredible. His is a ten round group and mine was 12 rounds I think.
The next picture is my target with the Hi-Point Carbine. I was shooting quick. This is two magazines, 20 rounds, and they are pretty tight for the most part. I had one or two fliers. If you notice, behind my target is a silhouette target. All of my rounds would have been head shots if I were using that target.
It was a beautiful day, it was a little windy, but no way I am going to complain. It wasn't that long ago that we got an 18" snow. I will take a 68 degree, windy day any time over that snow crap. It was good to get out and do a little shooting. A day at the range is the best therapy you could ever ask for. Doctors should prescribe it...