Unless you have been under a rock or in solitary confinement all day, you know there was an earthquake and tsunami in Japan. I don't think they have any idea about a death toll at this point. If you haven't seen any video of the 23 foot tall wave that hit Japan, it is absolutely incredible. It was tossing cars, trucks and boats around like tinker toys. Imagine the force that is required to do that and then imagine that same force loaded up with lots of 3 and 4 ton pieces of ammunition. Check out this picture of the tsunami coming from FoxNews.
Houses and buildings had no chance so you can picture what the people were facing. The earthquake started lots of fires in homes and other structures many of which weren't accessible to any kind of fire fighting equipment because of the flood. Many portions of the island are completely wiped out.
The quake also damaged a nuclear power facility and people are being evacuated from that area now also. What a mess.
Here is a video of the tsunami wiping out everything in it's path from FoxNews.
The tsunami also hit Hawaii and the west coast of the United States. It seem to be as bad as was originally predicted in Hawaii. My parents live there. I called them at about 3:20 am their time. I woke them up so that was a good sign. They had been tracking the waves until about midnight then packed it in. I saw a couple of videos that showed some water flowing over a seawall. While it may have trashed some stores close to the beach, in the grand scheme of things, they came out of it in decent shape.
The west coast States seem to have only taken a glancing blow. I haven't seen anything that indicated big damage.