In case you haven't heard, there is a big rape case being investigated in the small East Texas town of Cleveland. It appears at least 18 black males repeatedly raped an 11 year old hispanic girl over the course of several months.
Some of the accused are star athletes at the local high school the others appear to run of the mill thugs, most with criminal records. As you can imagine, the case has gone from bad to worse. The victim, an 11 year old child remember, is being accused of all sorts of things. It has been claimed that she made posts on social networking sites claiming she wanted all the sex she could get, etc.
Of course, the families of the accused have come out claiming they are all good boys. It was all the victim's fault. The head of the new black panther party from Houston, quanell x, has gotten involved. It is turning it to quite a circus. But then anything involving the black panthers usually does. At this point it wouldn't surprise me to see obama and eric holder get involved. Maybe saying the victim acted stupidly and dropping all charges.
You know, it doesn't matter at all what the victim did or didn't do. It wouldn't have mattered if she walked down the street completely naked, she is an 11 year old child. Every single one of these thugs, star athlete or not, should be convicted and sentenced to the maximum penalty that the law will allow. She is an 11 year old child! The accused range in age from 16 to mid 20's. Each and every one of them should do hard time for this.
I know the town of Cleveland well. I lived and worked there and in the vicinity for most of my life. When I read this story I was shocked. Cleveland is not a bad town. Or it wasn't 10 years ago. Many of the stories I have read on this have been followed up by comments from people who aren't from the area and most aren't even from Texas. There were some very hateful remarks made about the entire town. It's not fair. You can't blame the entire town for the actions of a few (well, around 20) scumbag thugs. These criminals will get what they have coming, one way or another, and life will go on. There are good people in Cleveland and they don't deserve the treatment they are getting.