This some scary stuff. Be sure to check out the link and read the anti-American garbage being spewed by this assclown steven lerner. It's an view inside the mind of a union thug, and it's dangerous. If it's not treasonous they should change the definition.
And T.L.'s description of the media couldn't be any more accurate or troubling. These are the people we have counted on in this Country since there was a Country to provide us with an unbiased view of the events of the day. Those days are over, they have been for a while. Every word they utter is tainted. We can't even trust the weatherman. T.L. may not begrudge them feeding us a skewed view of the world, but I do...
By T.L Davis - TL in Exile
My intent was to write a post about liberty and the delicate nature of it. I intended to make the distinction, at least in my opinion, between liberty and freedom. I was going to talk about the recently released tape of Steven Lerner and the SEIU thug mentality, the absolute un-American nature of this group. (believe me, they let Mr. Lerner go so that he could conduct this operation without ties to SEIU)
In contemplating that, I hit a couple of snags. First, it all ties into Obama and his milieu, how they have conducted themselves. When you consider that his friend is Bill Ayers, who is at least a domestic terrorist, and his former associates are ACORN and SEIU, what else is there to say? Perhaps Barack Obama has not sat in on a discussion like that given by Steve Lerner, but he certainly may have. Those are HIS people. Second, none of this would even be discussed if the press had done its job a long time ago and actually vetted this president while still a candidate.
So, here is what has come out of that soup that has been roiling around in my head: If the press were not un-American themselves, they would have been watching out for guys like this, they would have reported honestly on his shady background, his ties to such organizations. The trouble always arises when we look out at the NBC, CBS, ABC programming and see that most of it supports a liberal point of view. I don't begrudge them that. They own the studios, they can do whatever they want. I stopped watching these channels a long time ago because I was constantly bombarded with liberal messages, liberal encouragement of the decline of the America. They drove me away...
Go read the rest at the link above...