Go check out this page of before and after images of the Japan earthquake. The images are overlaid. If you hover over the image you can see the difference between the two.
The change between before and after is aweful. There are big lakes where there was farmland. Large areas that were populated have been wiped clean.
This is going to take a long time to recover from, if ever.
This is a good reminder of why we need to be prepared. If we suffered an earthquake of this magnitude, and it was near you, would you be able to survive the aftermath? Do you have any food stores set aside for an emergency? Water? Medical supplies? Do you have digital copies of all of your important documents?
If you had to leave your house today, and never return, what would you take? I don't think we could ever fully prepare for a disaster the size and scope of what the people of Japan are experiencing, but it gives us an opportunity to think about the things that would give us a chance at survival.
I know it's tough to think about a situation that would put your life in danger, but we have seen several examples over the past few months. Having at least a basic plan is better than nothing at all...