Saturday, March 12, 2011

ATF Lied, Mexicans Died

If you are a fan of T.L. Davis, like I am, when you read this particular article you can sure tell this has pissed him off. His writing is usually full of passion, but this is overflowing, and with good reason. The media in this Country have completely forgotten what their job is. They have forgotten what the word objectivity means. They are fully, 100% in bed with obama and his gang of thugs.

When items as important as Project Gunwalker and obama's involvement with the union activity in Wisconsin are ignored, all credibility is lost.

I grew up watching the evening news. It was important to me. I keep hoping that the media will find their way back to the right path. That hope is fading. They are too far gone. I will never trust them again.

You would think that their failing ratings would be a hint that people are fed up with the onesided coverage. Wouldn't you think that they would see the truth about this administration eventually? I have had it with the media...

By T.L. Davis - TL in Exile

I've been thinking about this all day, but Alvie put the bellows to the furnace and brought the metal to a bright white color in my mind. It has been driving me crazy that Barack Obama had a press conference today and not one single question was asked about Project Gunwalker. There was not one single question about Wisconsin and the death threats made by union members against government officials. Okay, I know these are special subjects for me and all, but even objectively...right?

Am I crazy to think that a scandal that has finally gotten some light shed on it over the past few weeks isn't worthy of comment? Okay, the death of a U.S. Customs agent at the hands of a band of criminals down on the border which might have been the fault of the Department of Justice? No? No questions about that? Hmmmmm, what about the accusation that despite their friendly banter the other day when President Calderon visited, the Obama Administration might be responsible for the deaths of at least 150 Mexican nationals by letting guns flow south of the border? No? Still no? Dang.

What if the Ranking Member of the Senate Judiciary Committee called for an independent investigation into the allegations that the ATF was complicit in the act of allowing guns to be purchased by a straw purchaser and "walked" down to Mexico? What if 13 members of the House Judiciary Committee sent a letter to the Attorney General of the United States and asked for details on the project "Fast and Furious"? Nothing? Crap!

Well, I suppose if the Mexican government asked for detailed information on the investigations theoretically being conducted by the Inspector General of the Department of Justice and an internal investigation in the ATF? No? What if the Mexican Ambassador was summoned back to Mexico City to brief the Mexican government on these investigations? Nothing again? All right, this is starting to tick me off.

What if government officials of all three major political parties in Mexico demanded that U.S. agents guilty of gun trafficking and perhaps even the charge of accessory to murder be extradited to Mexico to face these charges? Would that inspire at least on question on Project Gunwalker? No? Still no?

All of these things have happened, you know...

Go read the rest at the link above. While you are there, click on the Project Gunwalker link near the top of the page. It will give you a chronological picture of the crimes committed by the atf.