Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Insanity of a $6.1 Billion Dollar Debate

As you may have heard, both the Republican $61 BILLION dollar plan and the democrat joke $6 billion dollar plan were voted down today. Neither of them could even get a majority vote. What this tells me is that neither party has any interest in cutting the deficit.

Like T.L. points out, while these dumbasses were debating the bills, the interest on the debt racked up more than the democrat proposal.

Our Nation has taken out a huge payday loan. I'm sure you are familiar with the tactics those guys use. It is designed to keep you in debt, long term, paying interest and never making any headway on your principal. That's where we are, except we aren't even paying the interest. I put up a link to a debt clock a few days ago. Please, take a minute and check it out. If it had hands on it you could use it as a fan. I know the dollar figures are more than a normal person can wrap their brain around, but it will give you an idea of what kind of trouble we are in. The thing that scares me the most is that the politicians don't seem to get the seriousness of the situation. They just keep spending! We don't have any money! We are borrowing money to pay back money we borrowed! What would happen if you tried that with your family budget?

Go read the rest of this post over at TL in Exile, the link is below...

By T.L.Davis - TL in Exile

The sitting congress and the president should right now, be run out of office, impeached, recalled, physically chased, if that's what it takes. Here's the reason: the congress is right now debating budget cuts. Those who have been in charge for 2 years have run up a deficit of 5 trillion dollars. They did that, the Democrats. They didn't even have the ability to pass a budget. Now, the Democrats argue for budget cuts of $6.1 billion.

The insanity of this debate is this: by the time the congress has argued for cutting the budget for one week, there is a debt accumulation that would wipe out the entire $6.1 billion dollars they are arguing about. At these levels of debt, it is not a one for one effect either. In other words, cutting $6.1 billion dollars does not mean that debt reduction is achieved by any significant amount. $6.1 billion dollars represents less than 1/20 th of 1% of our debt (I am not the best at math) I do know that 1/10 th of 1% of our debt is $14 billion.