clinton is full of shit. We are the United States and we can do whatever the hell we want to do. We don't need a bunch of candy asses in the u.n. to tell us when and where we can set up a no fly zone.
So as obama continues to wring his hands and plan his next golf game or vacation, women and children are being murdered by libyan jets and gun ships. While the u.n. schedules a meeting innocent people are dying in the streets.
WE ARE NOT THE WORLD'S POLICE FORCE! But it is immoral for us to stand by and do nothing while innocent civilians are being killed when we have the ability to stop it.
I'm not saying we should invade libya. What I am saying is that imposing and enforcing a no fly zone will inhibit the ability of the libyan military to commit mass murder with aircraft and give those fighting against a corrupt dictator a fighting chance.
The u.n. is worthless and so is obama. Leaders should have the guts to do the right thing even when it isn't popular. We should never base the decision to save innocent people on a u.n. mandate...
From FoxNews
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told Sky News Wednesday that a no-fly zone over Libya cannot be a U.S.-led effort, and would need the backing of the international community.
"I think it's very important that this not be a U.S.-led effort, because this comes from the people of Libya themselves," she told Sky News.
"This doesn't come from the outside. This doesn't come from some Western power or some Gulf country saying this is what you should do, this is how you should live."
Clinton's comments come as Pentagon press secretary Geoff Morrell pushed back on notions that Defense Secretary Robert Gates was against setting up a no-fly zone.
"The secretary's position on a no-fly zone has not changed," Morrell told press traveling with Gates en route to a NATO advisory meeting in Brussels. "We are preparing a full range of military options for the president, including a no-fly zone."
Morrell added, "We have already moved significant assets into the Mediterranean to provide humanitarian assistance."
Libya will now likely be on the formal agenda of that pre scheduled defense ministers meeting at NATO headquarters in Brussels on Thursday and Friday, as British and French leaders continue to push for the establishment of a no-fly zone to prevent Libyan leader Muammar al-Qadaffi from firing on his own people.
"[Gates] position is he is committed to providing the president with the full range of options, it's his duty also to present the ramifications of each option presented."
Go read the rest at the link above...