Monday, April 25, 2011

Obama a quick study on creating commissions

It's funny really, almost everyday we read or hear something that obama said as a senator or candidate that he contradicts as "president". It will be brought up from time to time and we always get either a bullshit excuse, alternative meaning or outright denial.

The internet is a wonderful tool. It allows us to go back in time and view the comments made by people like obama. It lets us see, with our own eyes the hypocrisy that the media refuses to show us.

The obama "presidency" is just full of hypocrisy. From the claims of transparency to this newest revelation about the creation of commissions, it is one flip-flop after another. The media refuses to ask the tough questions and even when the work has been done for them they won't properly report the story.

obama and his commissions are nothing more than distractions from the real issues. He has no answers to the problems plaguing our Country because many of them have been created under his watch. Even if one of his crack, blue ribbon commissions could find their asses with both hands and a flashlight all the evidence would point to incompetence on the part of the "commander in chief". Do you think that information would revealed to the public? We don't really need a commission to tell us that though, do we?

By: Hayley Peterson - The Washington Examiner

As a candidate for president, Barack Obama called study commissions created by politicians "Washington-speak for we'll get back to you later."

He mocked his Republican opponent, Sen. John McCain, for suggesting a commission study the Wall Street meltdown, saying, "We don't need a commission to tell us how we got into this mess, we need a president who will lead us out of this mess, and that's the kind of president I intend to be."

But President Obama has already created about two dozen study commissions, blue-ribbon panels and task forces of his own -- roughly one a month since he took office -- to study not only major economic issues but childhood obesity, Hispanics and the middle class.

Obama largely ignored the recommendations of another panel, his deficit-reduction commission, in his 2012 budget proposal. But then he appointed a new panel to negotiate a final budget with congressional Republicans.

"Commissions generally are made when a president wants to do something but really doesn't know what he wants to do or doesn't have the money to do what he wants to do," said Stephen Hess, a veteran staffer of the Eisenhower and Nixon administrations and former adviser to Presidents Ford and Carter. "And the easiest thing to do is set up a commission."

Obama began appointing commissions and task forces as soon as he arrived at the White House. His first was assigned to study interrogation and transfer policies for suspected terrorists held at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

The president has since created commissions to study the Gulf oil spill, the national debt, nuclear energy, bioethics, Hispanic education, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders.

Read the rest at the link above...