Thursday, March 3, 2011

7.62x54R Ammo...

I told you a week or so ago about my recent ammo purchase. I bought a case of 7.62x 54R surplus stuff, actually, Joe Texan and I went in on it. Here is what it looked like after I got it out of the cardboard box.
The box is kind of cool and I wanted to keep it to store stuff in, but I damaged it getting the top off. I wasn't wearing my glasses and I asked my Youngest if these were nails or screws. She said nails, she might need glasses too, they were screws.

When you get the case opened, there is a big can opener attached to the inside of the box lid. You will need this, don't misplace it. If you buy a can of 440 rounds and not a case, you may not get a can opener. The cans are pain in the ass to open without the proper can opener.

Inside the crate are two tins of 440 rounds each.

Inside the tins are 22 paper packages.
Inside the paper packages are 20 nice, shiney rounds. 
I unwrapped all of mine and put them in an ammo can. I got one hell of a good price on this stuff from The Armory. I put a link to the previous post up top. Check it out, it has the price and all that good stuff. If you need a massive supply of 7.62x54R rounds, these are the guys to get it from.