Sunday, May 1, 2011

Lessons in the recent tornado tragedies...

The recent tornado outbreak across the Southern United States can hold lessons for all of us. We have talked about bug out bags and running off of the top of your gas tank and various other survival/ prep type stuff. Just like the disaster that hit Japan recently, this shows us that all the prepping we do is for more than just the zombie apcolypse.

In a real world setting, natural disaster is probably our biggest worry. Hurricanes, tornados, floods, earthquakes, all of these are very real threats in our Country. And while these are very different, preparing for them is going to be about the same. Staying or leaving determines different styles of preparation though.

And all the prepping in the world is useless without a plan.

It would be ideal if a disaster struck while everyone in the family is together, but the chances of that are kind of slim. What if you are at work and the children are at school? Do you have a plan to get everyone back together? Do you have a meeting point in case you can't get home? And what if you can't get home, do you know where you will go? What about pets?

 Having a plan is great, but running through it a time or two will allow you to work out the bugs. We have a plan. I'll admit though, that we have never practiced it. Like everyone else, our family is going 20 different directions at 100 miles per hour all day everyday. But we are going to make time to practice our plan. It's important, it may save our lives.

The people in Alabama and Mississippi had very little warning about the tornados that hit the area. Even the best of plans wouldn't have helped much before hand. But what do you do after? Have you seen the pictures of the devastation? Having a few days worth of food and water could save your life in a similar situation.

Make a plan. Talk about it with your family. Practice the plan.