It looks like bin laden is one dead terrorist scumbag. After a four year investigation... Navy SEALS entered a million dollar mansion in a suburb of islamabad, pakistan. A firefight ensued and bin laden got a nasty case of lead poisoning. The SEALS took possession of the carcass and left the area.
Here is where it gets weird, bin laden was buried at sea...
Why did they bury his ass at sea? WTF? Was there some DNA testing done first to make sure we had the right guy? Lots of questions floating around about that move.
For any followers of bin laden that may wander by here, they drug his ass out of a MILLION dollar mansion. He is the one urging people to blow themselves up, yet he is living large in a big ass house in the 'burbs. You dumbasses may want to rethink your choice of leadership.
It's also a bit funny that he was living in this house for at least four years and pakistan wasn't aware? The neighborhood he was in is also where several retired pakistan military bigshots live. Something doesn't add up.
Of course, obama says pakistan was a big help to us on this. I have my doubts, but who the hell am I?