While browsing Walmart this afternoon I came across Hard Candy Cosmetics which I was not familiar with at all. Maui always seems to be a little behind the rest of the country when it comes to getting new product lines in the stores.
So I was excited to see the new section of Hard Candy makeup. The cute packaging immediately grabbed my attention. I spent some time examining the products, my main concern was quality. I fully admit I'm usually a high end snob when it comes to cosmetics. The reason? Many makeup items I've purchased at drugstores tend to be of poor quality. Also since there are no testers for drugstore makeup, you risk wasting money on something you might not like, which I've done way too many times.
With that said, I do still purchase some makeup items from drugstores such as mascara and lip gloss... and I enjoy looking through the cosmetics aisle for anything new and interesting. Which I've found Hard Candy to be very intriguing. So I was willing to give it a shot and I'm very happy with my purchases.
Products Purchased:
Blush Crush Baked Blush in Living Doll, Pin Up, Bombshell (left to right)
So Baked Bronzer in Heat Wave
Kal-eye-descope Baked Eyeshadow Duo in Rush Hour (left), Blind Date (right).
Walk The Line Liquid Eyeliner in Dream Girl (Gold Glitter) and Visibly Wet Lip Pencil in Centerfold.
MAC Freckletone (left) vs Hard Candy Visibly Wet Lip Pencil in Centerfold (right) Similar finish and pigmentation but Freckletone definitely has a warmer orange-based undertone while Centerfold has a more neutral beige undertone.