When it comes to eyelash growth products. I started out as a skeptic. That is until I gave them a try for myself. After researching a handful of products I decided to try only the natural lash growth products. Being Talika Lipocils and Tarte Multipleye, used separately of course. My reasoning for this decision was that products such as Latisse, Revitalash and Lilash have been found to cause darkening of the iris in certain cases and hazel eyes are especially susceptible. I have hazel eyes and did not want to risk the possibility of my eye color changing to brown. The other issue I have is that they can also discoloration on the skin around the eyes, eyelids and under the eyes. All of this was just not worth the risk for me to grow eyelashes a few millimeters longer. However I discovered the natural lash growth products did not have those negative side effects and I decided these would be my best options.
First up was Talika Lipocils, $40 usd. I used it every morning and night for the recommended 28 days. At the end of the 28 days my results were not dramatic but were noticeable longer and fuller with lots of new baby lashes sprouting. After 2 months I was thrilled with the results. My lashes were definitely longer, fuller and fanned-out. I continued using Talika Lipocils once a day for the next 6 months to maintain the results.
After I had run out of my Talika, a couple months had passed and I decided to give Tarte Multipleye a go. Hmmm... Wished I would have just stayed with the Talika but I've always got to see if there's something better, you know how it goes. Anyway I used the Multipleye for 3 months with no noticeable results. It was a bit unpleasant. For the first couple weeks it gave the skin around my eyes a slight burning sensation and forget it if it gets in your eyes, ouch! Aside from that it was terribly gooey every morning I would wake up and wipe goo out of my tear ducts. I never had these issues using Talika, in fact it was quite the opposite, with a wonderfully refreshing, soothing, cooling sensation. So I finally gave up with zero results from Tarte Multipleye. I gave Castor Oil a try but that's another story entirely! I quickly returned to Talika Lipocils and I'm thrilled with the results. Between these two natural lash enhancers, Talika Lipocils definitely came out on top.