Monday, May 2, 2011

A little bit of fishing...

My Bride had another brother in town this weekend.

If you recall, I posted pictures last week from a trip to the range with her youngest brother.

The brother that was here this weekend brought his Bride and two little boys. My Bride decided we needed to treat them to a little fishing. We stocked our pond two springs ago and we have only fished it once prior to this weekend. Both occasions were catch and release. The pond is part of my food stores for the revolution or zombie apocolypse, whichever comes first.

Here is a sample of what we were catching. If the Brother-in-Law sends me his pictures I will try to post them too.

These are ome nice sized fish. We caught 8 or 10 of these and then a bunch of Blue Gill. It was fun for the little guys. And how about that shirt? One of my favorites. I wear it when ever I can, especially if there will be democrats around...